() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} /> ) }
() => { const options = Object.values(demoFilmsObject).map((film, index) => { return { value: film.name, content: film.name, groupTitle: film.company, } }) const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} /> ) }
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) const sharedProps = { options: options, value: option.value, onChange: (option) => setOption(option), menuWidth: '240px', } return ( <Arrange gap="s"> <Autocomplete2 menuPlacement="bottomStart" {...sharedProps} /> <Autocomplete2 menuPlacement="bottomEnd" {...sharedProps} /> <Autocomplete2 menuPlacement="topStart" {...sharedProps} /> <Autocomplete2 menuPlacement="topEnd" {...sharedProps} /> </Arrange> ) }
Use the menuItemsHaveEllipsis
to disable ellipsis on menu items
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: demoText.l }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} menuItemsHaveEllipsis={false} /> ) }
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = { value: '', content: ''} const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" value={option.value} hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} hasError errorMessage="This field is required" /> ) }
() => { const Tag = ({children}) => ( <Box backgroundColor="fade2" radius="xs" paddingY="xs" paddingX="s"> <Text variant="caps">{children}</Text> </Box> ) const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Autocomplete2.Item paddingLeft="6px"> <Arrange gap="s" columns="auto 1fr auto" tag="span"> <Tag>PRE</Tag> Neopan 100 Acros <Tag>POST</Tag> </Arrange> </Autocomplete2.Item> ) }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Autocomplete2.Item paddingLeft="6px"> <Arrange gap="s" columns="auto 1fr auto" tag="span"> <Tag>PRE</Tag> Fujicolor Pro 160NS <Tag>POST</Tag> </Arrange> </Autocomplete2.Item> ) }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Autocomplete2.Item paddingLeft="6px"> <Arrange gap="s" columns="auto 1fr auto" tag="span"> <Tag>PRE</Tag> Fujicolor Superior 200 <Tag>POST</Tag> </Arrange> </Autocomplete2.Item> ) }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} /> ) }
() => { const Tag = ({children, isActive, isSelected, isDisabled}) => ( <Flex paddingX="var(--grn-textbox-paddingX-s)" height="var(--grn-textbox-height-s)" radius="var(--grn-textbox-radius-s)" backgroundColor={isActive ? 'content' : 'fade1'} color={isActive ? 'background' : 'content'} width="fit-content" marginLeft="calc((var(--grn-textbox-height-m) - var(--grn-textbox-height-s)) / 2)" opacity={isDisabled ? '0.5' : '1'} alignContent="center" > <Text size="var(--grn-textbox-text-s)" weight="medium"> {children} </Text> </Flex> ) const optionWrapperProps = { paddingY: "calc((var(--grn-textbox-height-m) - var(--grn-textbox-height-s)) / 2)", alignContent: "center", cursor: "pointer", } const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Flex {...optionWrapperProps}> <Tag isActive={isActive} isSelected={isSelected} isDisabled={isDisabled} > Neopan 100 Acros </Tag> </Flex> ) }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Flex {...optionWrapperProps}> <Tag isActive={isActive} isSelected={isSelected} isDisabled={isDisabled} > Fujicolor Pro 160NS </Tag> </Flex> ) }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Flex {...optionWrapperProps}> <Tag isActive={isActive} isSelected={isSelected} isDisabled={isDisabled} > Fujicolor Superior 200 </Tag> </Flex> ) }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior X-Tra400', content: 'Fujicolor Superior X-Tra400', item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Flex {...optionWrapperProps}> <Tag isActive={isActive} isSelected={isSelected} isDisabled={isDisabled} > Fujicolor Superior X-Tra400 </Tag> </Flex> ) }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 400H', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 400H', isDisabled: true, item: ({ isActive, isSelected, isDisabled }) => ( <Flex {...optionWrapperProps}> <Tag isActive={isActive} isSelected={isSelected} isDisabled={isDisabled} > Fujicolor Pro 400H </Tag> </Flex> ) }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} /> ) }
() => { const [options, setOptions] = useState([ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros', }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', }, ]) const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" value={option.value} hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} isCreatable onCreate={(option) => { setOption(option) setOptions([...options, option]) }} /> ) }
() => { const films = Object.values(demoFilmsObject) const duplicatedFilms = films.concat(films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films, films) const options = duplicatedFilms.map((film, index) => { return { value: film.name, content: film.name } }) const defaultOption = { value: '', content: ''} const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" value={option.value} hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} /> ) }
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Box padding="l2" backgroundColor="background2" borderSide="all" radius="m"> <Autocomplete2 backgroundColor="background" label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} /> </Box> ) }
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} isDisabled /> ) }
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: 'Neopan 100 Acros' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" placeholder="Choose an option" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} onClear={() => setOption({})} /> ) }
() => { const options = [ { value: 'Neopan 100 Acros', content: demoText.l}, { value: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS', content: 'Fujicolor Pro 160NS' }, { value: 'Fujicolor Superior 200', content: 'Fujicolor Superior 200' }, ]; const defaultOption = options[0]; const [option, setOption] = useState(defaultOption) return ( <Autocomplete2 label="Film" hint="Choose your favorite film" options={options} value={option.value} onChange={(option) => setOption(option)} hasSpinner /> ) }